
The cover crop mixture Rigol DT is extremely effective in penetrating soil compaction, as the plant species it contains have an intensive root performance. Numerous root channels are created, which can be utilised by the following crop for rapid root penetration. At the same time, Rigol TR ensures good soil shading and rapid fine rooting of the A horizon as well as good above-ground biomass production. The proportion of legumes leads to good humus and nutrient accumulation. The favourable C/N ratio allows rapid N availability for the subsequent crop. Rigol DT is one of the oldest TerraLife® mixtures and has proven itself over many years.

  • Proven in practice over the long term
  • Very deep rooting
  • For compacted soils


31.6% Cruciferous
10.5% Legumes
Phacelia, Linseed, Sunflower, Bristle oat, Niger, Common vetch, Deep-rooted radish, Abyssinian cabbage, Falseflax, Field pea, Egyptian clover, Sorghum
31.6% Cruciferous
10.5% Legumes
Phacelia, Linseed, Sunflower, Bristle oat, Niger, Common vetch, Deep-rooted radish, Abyssinian cabbage, Falseflax, Field pea, Egyptian clover, Sorghum

Sowing pattern

blank seed, mulch sowing, direct sowing, spreader device on tillage implement, scattered seed, drone
blank seed, mulch sowing, direct sowing, spreader device on tillage implement, scattered seed, drone

Crop rotations

Cereals, Maize
Cereals, Maize

Cultivation notes

Sowing rate 20 - 22 kg/ha
Sowing time from end of July to end of August
Usage Cover crop, summer intercrop, green fertilization, normal sowing time, N-Potential: approx. 30 kg/ha, medium to low proportion of legumes
Sowing rate 20 - 22 kg/ha
Sowing time from end of July to end of August
Usage Cover crop, summer intercrop, green fertilization, normal sowing time, N-Potential: approx. 30 kg/ha, medium to low proportion of legumes

All specified informations, recommendations and representations mentioned here are made to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee of completeness or accuracy. We cannot guarantee that the properties described are repeatable. All information is provided as an aid to decision-making. Deutsche Saatveredelung AG excludes adhesion for damage or claims for damages, resulting of the use for the variety specified in this description. Mixture compositions may change if individual varieties are not available. As of 03/2022. Subject to change without notice.