
Reliable variety for winter cover crop cultivation with a good winter hardiness and tillering as well as lush foliage. It is an ideal overwintering green manure before maize and root crops. The variety is part of the cover crop mixture TerraLife® Forage Rooter.

  • For winter cover crop cultivation with a good winter hardiness and tillering as well as lush foliage
  • Ideal overwintering green manure previous to maize and root crops
  • Part of the cover crop mixture TerraLife® Forage Rooter


Green fertilizer
Summer intercrop
Winter intercrop
Green fertilizer
Summer intercrop
Winter intercrop

All specified informations, recommendations and representations mentioned here are made to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee of completeness or accuracy. We cannot guarantee that the properties described are repeatable. All information is provided as an aid to decision-making. Deutsche Saatveredelung AG excludes adhesion for damage or claims for damages, resulting of the use for the variety specified in this description. Mixture compositions may change if individual varieties are not available. As of 01/2021. Subject to change without notice.