
Perennial forage tree mixture that provides high quality forage.

  • High dry mass yields and good feed qualities through the high proportion of legumes
  • Very good preceding crop effect through intensive root penetration
  • Suitable for a wide range of sites, selected species and varieties


32% Trifolium pratense
30% Lolium perenne
23% Festuca pratensis
10% Alsike clover
5% Trifolium repens
32% Trifolium pratense
30% Lolium perenne
23% Festuca pratensis
10% Alsike clover
5% Trifolium repens

Sowing pattern

blank seed, mulch sowing, direct sowing, spreader device on tillage implement, drone
blank seed, mulch sowing, direct sowing, spreader device on tillage implement, drone

Crop rotations

Oilseed rape, Potatoes *, Sugar beet, Cereals, Maize
* Observe crop rotation diseases.
Oilseed rape, Potatoes *, Sugar beet, Cereals, Maize
* Observe crop rotation diseases.

Cultivation notes

Sowing rate 30 - 35 kg/ha
Sowing time from August to end of September
from February to April
Usage Cover crop, Green fallow mixture, Multi-year, late sowing, very late sowing, leguminous, winter resistant, with clover, More than 50% legumes in the seed content
Sowing rate 30 - 35 kg/ha
Sowing time from August to end of September
from February to April
Usage Cover crop, Green fallow mixture, Multi-year, late sowing, very late sowing, leguminous, winter resistant, with clover, More than 50% legumes in the seed content