Date: 08.08.2019
In the spring of 2019, the quality laboratory of the plant breeding company Deutsche Saatveredelung AG which is headquartered in Lippstadt, Germany, was the first German laboratory of a commercial company to receive accreditation for oilseed rape by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA). DSV will use this qualification to support the quality of their international seed business.
DSV is one of the leading oilseed rape producers in Europe. Each year, the company sells more than 4,000 tonnes of oilseed rape all over the world. In this context, customs agencies and buyers ask for standardised test results on the quality of the seed (ability to germinate, cleanliness, moisture level, etc.).
“At DSV, we have always placed a great emphasis on quality. For 60 years, our quality laboratory has been carrying out numerous inspections. So for us it made sense to pursue this accreditation because it provides excellent support for our oilseed rape business,” says Kathrin Boedecker who manages the laboratory, explaining DSV’s decision to have its laboratory accredited. The reason is that an ISTA accredited laboratory has the specialised and technical expertise to carry out seed testing according to internationally recognised standards. In the global seed business, the ISTA certificate is recognised by the trading partners of the WTO (World Trade Organisation).
DSV sought this accreditation for many years. In order to meet the high standards, a new laboratory was built, process manuals were written, measurement methods were calibrated, and a quality management manual was put together. After three years of preparation, DSV passed the intensive audits performed by ISTA. The DSV quality laboratory, which has 15 employees, is now authorised to issue ISTA certificates for oil seed rape within their “Scopes of Accreditation”.
Now the next goal is to achieve national authorisation as a private testing laboratory so that DSV is able to carry out “official” seed tests in the context of the national integrity inspection.