Deutsche Saatveredelung

Founding years
The beginnings
After the First World War, there was a shortage of forage seed, especially for grassland.

There was primarily a shortage of clover and grass seed, resulting in large dairy farms suffering high economic losses.
Flooding of grassland stocks
Foundation of the grassland movement
Steinach Castle
On 19 October 1919, Prof. Weber from the Moor Experimental Station Bremen and Ludwig Niggl, estate inspector of the Steinach estate, met in the tower room of Steinach Castle.

They discussed the poor condition of the fodder stocks. During a long night, the term "grassland" was born as a collective term for "all green land used for fodder farming" and the start was made for a grassland movement that will spread all over Germany.

In 1921 the “grassland association" already has 238 members.
Carl Albert Weber
Botanist, Bremen
Ludwig Niggl
Estate inspector Steinach
August v. Schmieder
Owner Steinach