DSV zaden Nederland, DSV Frø Danmark
The company Hunsballe Frø is acquired by DSV. All areas belonging to EuroGrass are thus integrated into DSV. The EuroGrass companies in the netherlands and Denmark become the DSV subsidiaries DSV zaden Nederland, DSV Frø Danmark.
The origins of today's DSV zaden Nederland date back to 1948. The incorporated Zelder B.V. (founded in 1948), was involved in breeding grasses, forage plants, maize and cereals. Today, DSV zaden is the central forage plant breeding station of DSV and a successful seed distributor in the domestic market.
DSV zaden, The Netherlands
DSV Frø includes a breeding location in Denmark that is steeped in history. In 1920, Jens Hvidberg, a well-known Danish plant breeding expert, founded Frøavlscentret Hunsballe A/S. Initially, beet was bred and seed was produced. Later, Hunsballe focused on the production of forage and turfgrasses. Today, DSV Frø is an important pillar of DSV in both sales and propagation. Two locations, Holstebro and Slagelse, are operated.
DSV FrØ, Dänemark